SyracuseCoE’s Partner Program

Supporting New York State’s Clean Tech Community

SyracuseCoE works closely with industry throughout New York State and around the world, advancing collaborations designed to enhance research, development, demonstration, and deployment of innovations in SyracuseCoE core focus areas – clean and renewable energy, indoor environmental quality, and water resources.

Research Collaborations

A primary benefit of the SyracuseCoE Partner Program is facilitated access to faculty experts at Partner institutions to explore the development of research collaborations designed to respond to industry challenges. SyracuseCoE staff will work with Partners to identify potential faculty researchers, create opportunities for 1:1 discussions of challenges and help craft research agreements that address those challenges.

Innovation Fund

SyracuseCoE’s Innovation Fund provides SyracuseCoE Partners with financial and technical support for overcoming barriers to commercialization of potentially transformative innovations. Projects may be awarded up to $10,000 and must be aligned with commercialization of innovative products/technologies and focused on one or more of SyracuseCoE’s three core areas. The Innovation Fund is funded by and for members of the SyracuseCoE Partner Program.

Analysis & Design Center

Faculty and graduate students in the SyracuseCoE Analysis & Design Center assist Partners accelerate development of innovative products using modeling and simulation tools including computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA) and heat transfer software. Under the supervision of faculty, these students from Syracuse University’s College of Engineering and Computer Science are helping solve real-world problems for SyracuseCoE Partner firms.

Industry Collaboration Internships

The SyracuseCoE Industry Collaboration Internship program supports paid internship opportunities for SyracuseCoE Partner Program companies to host a student engaged in work related to indoor environmental quality (IEQ), clean and renewable energy, including high performance/green building, and water resources. In addition to increasing the technical skills of area students pursuing degrees in science, engineering, and architecture, program goals include increased post-graduation student retention in the Central Upstate region and the establishment of valuable relationships between college students and local firms. To date, more than 30 companies and 90 students have participated in this program, which will provide up to $3,000 toward an intern’s wages.

Proposal Development Support

SyracuseCoE staff provides weekly updates on federal, state and private funding opportunities of interest to Partner firms and researchers, as well as input and feedback on funding proposals developed, as requested.

CenterState CEO Collaboration

Since 2009, SyracuseCoE has partnered with CenterState CEO to leverage services and better serve the companies in the clean tech sector throughout Central Upstate New York with a suite of business development supports and assistance with research and development.

Research & Technology Forums

SyracuseCoE offers regularly scheduled forums and networking to highlight innovative research, technologies and other opportunities of interest to stakeholders and community members. Past topics have included groundbreaking industry projects to modernize the HVAC systems at the Sistine Chapel, workshops to help state agencies develop funding priorities, and research on the impact of “green” buildings on cognitive function. Sign up for SyracuseCoE’s email list to be notified of upcoming R&T Forums.