Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems (SyracuseCoE) is excited to host its second annual Partners Day. Open to all members of the SyracuseCoE Partner Program, this event is designed to highlight current research and development priorities and strengthen ecosystem connections among Partners. Registration is now open.
We invite partners to join us at SyracuseCoE headquarters for lunch, followed by short presentations from Industry Partners Council Chair Scott MacBain of Carrier, Professor Jianshun “Jensen” Zhang, SyracuseCoE Executive Director, and a panel discussion facilitated by Professor Ian Shapiro, Associate Director of Building Science and Community Programs.
We are delighted to be joined this year by William Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E., who will give a keynote address on the new ASHRAE standard for airborne disease transmission control and its implications for industry. Dr. Bahnfleth is a professor and affiliate researcher in the Department of Architectural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, as well as a Fellow/Presidential Member of ASHRAE. This presentation will be co-hosted by the Central New York Chapter of ASHRAE, whose members are invited to join this segment of the program.
Partner Program members will be invited to share company and research news and updates, as well.

The Partner Program brings together industry and academia to address global challenges in clean energy, healthy buildings, and water resources. Startups, companies, and community-based organizations who are interested in joining SyracuseCoE’s Partner Program should contact Tammy Rosanio, Associate Director of Partner Programs at