The NYE-RIC Bridge to Markets program is designed to connect New York State firms that have developed innovative products for advanced buildings with the diverse and critical stakeholders in the target market of New York City.
NYE-RIC is New York’s Energy Regional Innovation Cluster, a pioneering consortium of partners from upstate and downstate working together to transform the way energy-efficient building systems are invented, developed, demonstrated and deployed in New York State, across the country and around the world.
Over the past year, SyracuseCoE and its NYE-RIC partners have developed and demonstrated a process that creates jobs throughout the state by accelerating the adoption of new technologies developed by upstate firms in retrofits to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality in New York City buildings.
This NYE-RIC Bridge to Markets demonstration was funded by SyracuseCoE and NYSERDA, and conducted in collaboration with CenterState CEO.